Latest Jokes

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TEACHER: Alice, go to the map and find Australia
ALiCE: Here it is!
TEACHER: Now, class, who found Australia?
CLASS: Alice!

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posted by "Alyce J" |
0 votes

One night a husband and wife were sleeping and suddenly the wife woke up.

"Honey, wake up! I think there’s a burglar downstairs, and it sounds like they're eating the cake I made!” said the wife.

Half asleep, the husband answers, "So should I call the police or the ambulance?”

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Bahadar Ali" |
0 votes

When things go wrong,
When sadness fill your heart,
When tears flow in your eyes,
Just let me know,
Cause I want to be there for you,
I am selling tissues,buy one get one free

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CATEGORY Pickup Jokes
posted by "malavika" |
0 votes

Q.Why can’t you take a turkey to church????

A.Because he uses FOWL language!!!!

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posted by "launa" |