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Q. Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for men than for women?
A. When it’s time to g back to their childhood, they ‘re already there.

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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During a training exercise, an army unit was late for afternoon inspection.

“Where are those camouflage trucks?” the irate colonel barked.

“They’re here somewhere,” replied the sergeant, “but we can’t find’em.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Through the pitch-black night, the captain sees a light dead ahead on a collision course with his ship. He sends a signal: “Change your course 10 degree east.”
The light signals back: “Change yours, 10 degrees west.”
Angry, the captain sends: “I’m a navy captain! Change your course, sir!”
“I’m a seaman, second class,” comes the reply. “Change your course, sir.”
Now the captain is furious. “I’m a battleship! I’m not changing course!”
There is one last reply. “I’m a lighthouse. Your call.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Doctor,” the man said to his ophthalmologist, “I was looking in the mirror this morning, and I notice that one of my eyes is different from the other!”
“Oh”? Replied the doctor “Which one?”

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |