Latest Jokes

3 votes

A woman walks into a pharmacy one day and says to the pharmacist, “I’d like a poison that’ll kill my husband but make it look like he died of natural causes.”

The pharmacist says, “Ma’am, not only can I not do that for you, I’m going to have to call the police and report you.”

The woman removes something from her pocket and hands it to him. He looks at it and discovers that it’s a picture of her husband making love to the pharmacist’s wife.

The pharmacist says, “Oh, you should have told me you had a prescription.”

3 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
0 votes

Scientists have developed a breed of transparent cattle.

Unfortunately, they’re super aggressive.

Steer clear.

0 votes

posted by "Benjamine" |
1 votes

The city boy goes west to visit his uncle. After the sun goes down, the boy hears strange, another-world howling. He gets frightened and runs to his uncle. "Uncle, uncle, there are werewolves!"

"That's rubbish, boy, ain't no such thing".

"'Then, there must be man-eating wolves".

"No, we haven't got those buddies, either."

"What is this sound, then?" the boy asks.

"They are coyotes".

"Coyotes? What are those?"

"They look a lot like dogs. In fact, ya can consider them a kind of dog."

The boy wants to find out more: "Why are they making that frightening noise?"

"See, nephew, we ain't got many trees around here. We got cactuses!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Farmer Jokes
posted by "merk" |
0 votes

What do you give a cop for their birthday?

A copcake.

0 votes

posted by "Hayleyann" |