Latest Jokes

1 votes

If #2 pencils are the best, why aren't they called #1 pencils?

1 votes

posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |
1 votes

Ever wonder why all the oil wells are in Texas and the dip sticks in Washington, DC?

1 votes

posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |
$25.00 won 3 votes

A family enters a large store. After browsing for several moments they purchase some goods and head for the large counter at the front of the store.

They notice a robotic seal standing in a corner situated near the counter. It is dressed in a tuxedo and each time goods are packaged the seal nods as if in agreement.

After the third purchase is made the father asks the counter assistant why the robot nods each time.

The assistant replies, "Isn't it obvious? It's our seal of approval."

3 votes

posted by "Leibel" |
0 votes

My collection of kitchen utensils includes one whose intended purpose was always a mystery. It looks like a cross between a metal slotted spoon and a spatula, so I use it as both. When not in use, it is prominently displayed in a decorative ceramic utensil caddy in my kitchen.

The mystery of the spoon/spatula was recently solved when I found one in its original packaging at a garage sale... it's a pooper-scooper.

0 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |