marriage jokes

Category: "Marriage Jokes"
1 votes

There's a new drug on the market for women whose husbands are taking Viagra.

The drug's name is Agravin...

It gives a woman an instant headache.

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Edward Barron" |
1 votes

The young wife was in tears when she opened the door for her husband. "I've been insulted," she sobbed. "Your mother insulted me."

"My mother!" he exclaimed. "Did she call you?"

"No, but a letter came for you this morning and I opened it."

He looked stern, "I see, and where does the insult come in?"

"In the P.S.," she answered. "It said, 'Dear Alice, don't forget to give this letter to George.'"

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

Husband: "My shaving brush is very stiff now. I wonder what is wrong with it?"

Wife: "I don't know. It was nice and soft when I painted the bird cage yesterday."

0 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Claudine Erang" |
0 votes

You know you're having a bad day when...

Your wife says, "Good morning, Bill" and your name is George.

0 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |